Chinese Arts & Crafts

Chinese Arts & Crafts

China through my eyes

I know I`m supposed to post about the trip to Suzhou (is this ever going to happen?), but it takes time, and at this week I’m busy preparing for my first Chinese test coming up on Saturday.
Anyway, I decided to create a new category of posts, where I share with you the experience of living in China. Talking only about crafts doesn`t seem fair after all, considering that everyday life can be quite interesting as well. And, frankly, sometimes I just need to vent a little!
I will chronicle my adventures (and mis-adventures) while travelling, learning to speak Mandarin, and exploring the new foods and sights of China, so that hopefully you can get a glimpse of what life is like for expats. I hope you enjoy reading about my fun times in the Middle Kingdom!

Eating banana-flavored sticky rice
and poking my eyes with the bamboo stick in Qibao

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